

Fun times!

We had the best day today! This morning we took the girls to an easter egg hunt our church was hosting. They had the kids seperated by age groups so Jack took Kara to hunt in her area, while I went with Kirsten to hers. They both had a great time grabbing all the eggs they could find. We saw the Easter Bunny there too, but kept our distance. Kirsten likes admiring from afar but get too close and she thinks she's going to be eaten or something :)
After the egg hunt we took the girls to Chick-fil-a for lunch. Kirsten always asks to go because they have a playplace, but since the main day we usually go out to eat is sunday (and they're closed) we don't get to go very often. After we ate we let the girls play for little while. We encouraged Kirsten to try climbing up the tower to the tunnels and slide again, but she won't go more than a couple steps up without backing out. I'm not sure what makes her so scared to try, she just won't do it. She always says, "Maybe when I'm four I'll like it."
After lunch we headed home and put them down for naps. They both slept for over 2 hours! Anyone who knows my kids know that they are not good sleepers and most days I'm lucky if they both sleep for more than an hour. So today was record breaking for sure! While the girls were napping I did a little laundry, swept and mopped the floor, then went for a run. I been trying to switch up my routes so I don't get too bored running the same thing everyday. I ran just over 4 miles today, and it felt great!
The girls were both up shortly after I got back, we ate some watermelon, then headed to the park. Jack wanted to take Kirsten to a park around the corner from us with a really tall slide to see if we could get Kirsten to like it. (He tried to get her to go down it last year but she started crying so he had to go up to get her.) Jack went down it first to show her it was fun and not scary :) After seeing Daddy do it she decided she wanted to give it a try. The first time she went down she was gripping the sides like crazy to keep herself from going very fast. But after a few times down she was laying back and holding up her feet so she could go even faster! I was so proud to see her conquer a fear and really enjoy herself!
After dinner tonight the girls were both super wound up! I love it now that Kara is older and can play with her sister more. They were chasing eachother around the house, playing in their tent, and giggling alot! We have such a fun time playing with our girls! We spent forever swinging them by their hands and feet and flopping them down on the couches :)
I love my family and feel so blessed to be able to spend my days with them!


Mini me

Kirsten is always trying to be "just like mommy".  She has shirts she calls her "mommy shirts" because they are similar to mine. She's my little buddy! When I go out for a run, or am doing any exercise, she has to get her running shirt, shorts, and shoes on too. Most of the time when I'm finished she meets me outside and we run around the block together :)

Here we go!

Oh, and I got some new runnning shoes a couple days ago! I've been an Asics girl for the past 4 years, but I really loved the feel of these Nikes (air pegasus+28) and they were about $30 bucks cheaper than the Asics so I made the switch. They're very comfy and I love the pink :)

This is what the girls do everytime I head out. Bye girls! 

Kara loves standing at our glass door watching everything, of course this means it's always covered in little handprints :)

I'm loving this spring/summer weather!

Beautiful tree, but don't let it fool you! The flowers on it smell disgusting! Like rotten fish or something....weird!


Birthdays and Batmobiles

Hey there! I haven't felt like blogging the past few weeks so I took a little break. Here's what been going on in my world.  Kara had her 1st birthday! To celebrate we had a couple small parties with both sets of grandparents. It's crazy to me that she is one already, but at the same time it's hard for me to imagine her not being with us! I love my little family!

Kara is such a fun baby, she loves being silly and chasing her sister around the house. She's not walking yet but can take several steps in a row when we practice with her. Any day now! Her favorite foods are yogurt, blueberries, and bananas. I think she could polish off a whole pint of blueberries on her own if I'd let her! She's learning to feed herself with a spoon and is finally starting to sleep though the night on a regular basis. I put her to bed around 8/8:30 and she's up around 7:30. She still takes 2 naps a day but they are getting shorter so we may be going down to one long nap soon.
She says several words now: banana, yogurt, bubus (for blueberries), mama, dada, dora, done, yaa (for yes), and some others.

   Jack's basketball season ended, his team lost in the regional championship game, but were the regular season champs! It's always alot of fun to watch his teams and cheer them on, but I'm happy to have him home more often now though!  He is gone alot of nights and weekends during basketball season and it can get pretty lonely.

   Kirsten went to a brithday party for a couple of her best friends! She was very excited! I took her shopping and let her pick them out some presents. Of course she also found several things that she wants for her birthday too! The party was at an inflatbles center, and Kirsten is terrified of those things :( She would not do anything. I tried and tried to get her to follow her friends into the different mazes and slides. She was just too scared! I got her to go down one slide with me, but when she went to try it by herself, she freaked out halfway up the ladder and I had to help her down! Despite all that, she still says she had fun!

Kirsten with the birthday girls!

   I got back into running again this week! I love running but it never fails, every November-February I hardly run at all. I blame it on the cold and the business of the holiday's and basketball season. But whatever the excuse I've been a slacker! The weather this week has been amazing and I got in five great runs in the last 7 days. I'm so out of shape right now that the 3.2 mile loop I usually do was pretty tough, but by today I was able to cut 2 minutes off my time from last sunday. My parents were here visiting this week, and so my Dad offered to run with me one of the days. He's been running on the treadmill at his house, but this was his first time running outside. I gave him a good workout :) Now I'm in the market for new running shoes, the pair I have are worn out!

Oh and while shopping at Walmart today I saw the Batmobile!!! For real!

Haha! With a handicap tag and all! And I think I spotted Batman inside on one of those motorized carts ; )