We go months with out needing to go to places like Lowes for anything. Then spring comes and I feel like we are there every week picking up different things. Mulch, garden stuff, weed killer, etc. As soon as the weather warms up, Lowes is hoppin!
Yesterday while Jack was working we ran a few errands. First we went to Hobby Lobby, that place brings out my crafty side. I feel like I'm Martha Stewart while browsing around getting tons of ideas for things I could make. Truth is though I'm not super talented when it comes to crafting, so most things just stay ideas. But I've been wanting a spring wreath for our front door, but didn't want to shell out the big bucks for a premade one. So with a little inspiration (ala pinterest) I set out to make one on my own.
Here's the final product...
I love it ! and it only cost $9.00 to make :)
Then we went to Petsmart because it's right next door to Hobby Lobby. We checked out the all the birds, fish, a chinchilla, and a couple of cute cats.
Kirsten and Kara both love cats! Too bad I have allergies :( So visiting the pet store is as close as we'll get to owning one.
Our last stop was Lowe's. We picked up a couple bags of mulch and some pretty purple flowers for the front porch. Kirsten was super excited to drive the big blue car! Kara was a cute sidekick, of course.
This is unrelated but we leave our front door open a lot so the girls can look out, and I found them like this the other day. Watching the rain together :)