

Goals for 2012

I have never been big into making resolutions but I really want to go into this new year with focus and purpose. I know the next year is going to fly by (like they all do) so maybe if I have some specific goals set out I will do a better job of moving my life in the direction I want it to go, instead of just going along letting life move me...if that makes sense.

Anyway, here's my list....

1. Spend at least 15 minutes alone with God everyday. Praying/reading the Bible.
2. Develop friendships with other women/couples
3. Have a date night with the hubby once a month.
4. Run more miles, more often. - Run 3 races, one 10k or longer.
5. Commit to healthy eating/cooking. limit sugar and processed junk.
6. Be better organized. (toys, clothes, paperwork, schedules)
7. Limit casual internet time (fb mainly) to only during the girls naps/bedtime.
8. Create weekly meal plans and stick to them.
9. Stick to our budget to pay off car and student loans early.
10. Take a family vacation.

So there it the end of 2012 I hope I can look back on this and say I've accomplished all I set out to do :)

Happy New Year!


  1. Happy New Years to you and your family!!!! <3

  2. I'm just going to copy & paste these for mine. :) identical! Wish we lived closer
